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*ZIPP DISC WHEEL* Dura-Ace Cassette & Conti Tyre!
Price: AU$999
Seller: Chris Winter

Fizik Aliante Sport Saddle
Price: 30
Seller: Wesley Garrett

Korg Pa800 - Professional .. 600 EUR
Price: 600
Seller: Paul Blease

Full stock of Samsung s6 Edge, iPhone 6 and iPhone
Price: 515
Seller: Frank Whitaker

Specialized McLaren S-Works Venge frameset sz 56 S
Price: USD 5,350.00
Seller: Andre Vallent

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Member Statistics


Age: N/A

Total Times Entered: 292

Favourite Course:
Kinglake (34 rides)

Avg Distance per Week:

Rob Milohanic

Member Profile: Rob Milohanic

Member Since: 2008

Physiological Details



Resting Heartrate:


Current Weight:


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Super Hero:



Bike Details


I'm not worthy of it!


Nor them either ...


And not that, either.


Bike Weight:

Latest Times

Hill Climbs

08 Jun 2013: Humevale Hill (Victoria) - 15mins 38secs

25 May 2013: Mt Donna Buang - 52mins 30secs

25 May 2013: The Half Donna / Cement Creek - 23mins 26secs

18 May 2013: The Devils broken Clavicle - 17mins 57secs

18 May 2013: The REAL Devils Elbow. - 12mins 21secs

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07 Jan 2012: Lap o' the block - 2hrs 6mins 50secs

01 Oct 2011: Lap o' the block - 1hr 49mins 53secs

11 Jan 2011: Lap o' the block - 1hr 53mins 3secs

25 Dec 2010: Lap o' the block - 1hr 52mins 1sec

31 Oct 2010: Lap o' the block - 1hr 56mins 46secs

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Saved Courses

Circuits & Hill Climbs saved by this rider:

Australia > Victoria > Lap o' the block


Rob commented on his own time: "Didn't feel like I'd nailed it - couldn't get the effort I was after. Should've big-ringed the sucker."

Rob commented on his own time: "On the way up to the top."

Rob commented on his own time: "Foggy, cold, wet (but no rain) ... PB :)"

Rob commented on his own time: "Part of gunning it from the Burwood Hwy turnoff to the top."

Rob commented on his own time: "On my way up the Full Monty. Paced it OK, Quarq power was a match to that for the full run (356w)."

Forum Posts

10 Feb 2009 8:30 AM posted in Query re old climb data

Thanks, it's worked a treat - cheers! I had another query about the website, but would prefer to discuss offline. I tried the admin email address, but my email bounced - could you send another email to my email address (perhaps from a slightly different email address) so that I can try to respond again? Cheers, Rob

26 Jan 2009 10:39 PM posted in Query re old climb data

Hi, First up, thanks for providing and supporting such a fantastic site. It's helped me track my progress for years, not to mention introduced me to a number of other cyclists and allowed me to see some of the more impressive cycling feats that have been accomplished. Much appreciated! My query is this - I've noted that I seem to have two separate sets of results in terms of history; one set seems to have all my times before, say, spring 2008, whilst the other seems to record all my times since then - eg, if I click on my Alpine Classic time for 2009, only my 2009 time comes up in the history; my 2008 and earlier attempts seem to come up under a separate set of results. Is there any chance that the two sets of results could be combined into one? Cheers and keep up the great work, Rob


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