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Member Statistics

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Total Times Entered: 34

Favourite Course:
Montacute Road (9 rides)

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Fastest Speed:
not very fast...

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Cosmo Luppino

Member Profile: Cosmo Luppino

"my wheels are turning, but I'm upside down"

Member Since: 2008

South Australia, Australia

Physiological Details



Resting Heartrate:


Current Weight:

79 kg

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Bike Details





Bike Weight:

9 kg

Latest Times

Hill Climbs

25 Apr 2010: Waterfall Gully - 8mins 47secs

17 Apr 2010: Greenhill Road (Mt. Lofty) - 27mins 11secs

17 Apr 2010: Greenhill Road (Mt. Lofty) - 27mins 26secs

21 Feb 2010: Kangaroo Creek Dam - 5mins 25secs

18 Feb 2010: Coachhouse Drv/Woodland Way - 14mins 31secs

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Cosmo commented on his own time: "2nd loop, was definitely harder but managed a similar time, so I'm happy with that..."

Cosmo commented on his own time: "Part of a loop I did (two loops) Loop1. Took it steady, since I was going to do it again I left some in the tank..."

Cosmo commented on his own time: "Had to really push against the wind. The effort was intense and the winds was actually cooling me down which was probably a good thing."

Cosmo commented on his own time: ""Very hard" is an understatement! Could hardly turn the pedals.... First climb of the day."

Cosmo commented on his own time: "Thought it's good day for some hard climbs, freezing on the way down. Second climb for the day."

Forum Posts

26 Apr 2010 4:10 PM posted in I need new wheels

Hey Mark, a set of SL's, Fulcrum racing ones or zeros will fix it, don't need to open the brakes. Some of the guys riding with me are using the aforementioned and are of your stature, so shouldn't have any issues. I had a shop tension my cheap rims (aksiums), no improvement, still rubbed the pads when out of the saddle. You will love the extra stiffness, and still silky smooth, and just factory rims too? so go figure... Stay away from carbon unless tubular. Carbon Tubular are a whole new level of brilliance, I would buy some myself if it wasn't for the glue/puncture issues... <em>edited by Cos on 26/04/2010</em>

07 Nov 2009 1:34 PM posted in Ride Like Crazy - an overwhelming success!

Hi all, I just did the course this morning minus the 20km loop to Littlehampton & Woodside. I must say it was thoroughly enjoyable, one of the best courses I've ridden for a while. For those of you whom this is your first year of riding it's a perfect introduction to long distance hill climbing (as is the case for my riding buddy). For those who are mountain goats, this is a chance to get a 30km/hr+ average. The ascents are gradual & quick, perfect for mixing it up with big gears. I will be doing it, no doubt, it's the perfect lead-up to the TDU. My congrats to the planning team, job well done. If you would like see the map & elevation profile click on the link below edited by Cos on 7/11/2009 <em>edited by Cos on 7/11/2009</em>

04 Nov 2009 9:33 PM posted in GO Cadel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I went too. Didn't know what to expect, was thinking Cadel wouldn't be media savvy, so had some reservations. Was happy to have my preconceptions proven groundless. Cadel, together with Mark Aisten were very funny & frank, bit of an eye opener to get his perspective of recent events, so definitely getting stuck into his book. Plus at the book signing Cadel was very approachable, and posed for a photo with me & my mates. One of the best Monday nights I had for a long time...! There's no doubt in my mind Cadel is a true sportsman, will be looking forward to watching him race regardless of where he finishes.

02 Nov 2009 1:52 PM posted in GO Cadel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going tonite, will give short review if you're interested. Here's a link on velonew re: Gavin Chilcott plans for his BMC team & pro tour licence. If anyone finds any more news, it would be appreciated if they post a link... <em>edited by Cos on 2/11/2009</em>

25 Oct 2009 5:10 PM posted in Wind Speed and Power Estimates

As we know C2M's power calculation doesn't take the wind factor into consideration. Times differences is what it mainly works with for the same climb. So if you compare the difference in power when completed in still conditions vs a head wind (all other things being equal?....?), it will be roughly the power lost due to the the wind. Sure it's really a rough guide, as if you could have the same fitness, effort, similar day temperatures,...., but hey, at least you can get an idea... You can apply the same logic for hot vs cold days, the power loss is your bodies failure to generate power due to increased inefficiencies under the hot conditions.


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